neljapäev, detsember 15, 2005

Tsitaadid Thorn tree foorumist...

Vahest ma lihtsalt loen, mida rahvas Lonely Planeti thorn tree foorumis kirjutab. Seal on ikka nii ilusaid lugusid, et ühest lugemisest ei piisa...Näiteks:

"Last week I took a picture of an elderly woman, in Ribeira, a run-down part of Porto. The woman was sitting at a fountain and was feeding doves, that landed on her shoulders and ate from her hand. She was wearing old clothes and probably had never had a make-up in her entire life. I thought she looked beautiful."

või siis naljakaid:

"Was in a bus in peru when i heard the two 14-year-old kids whispering behind me "when the gringo gets off, you threaten him with the knife, i grab his bag and we start running". not knowing i am proficient in spanish, the kids were amazed to listen to me telling them "are you kids gonna stab me in the stomach or in the heart? just to know". they said "ooops, we thought you were an american, sorry for that, wanna go for a coffee'"?. i certainly didn't, but at least i wasn't stabbed."

Top 5 unfortunate menu translations

(English - Vietnamese / Vietnamese - English dictionaries have a lot to answer for!): 1. Fried morning glory 2. Sparrow fart soup (never worked out what this was and wasn't game to try it) 3. Vegetable penis with egg 4. Hot stuff with cream of cow 5. Fish balls and nuts browned in fat

Ja midagi mis kummitama jääb:

"Being in Argentina during the economic crisis of '89. Finding that even though things were really bad --a local tango club was left open and free. Never have I ever listened to live music so full of joy and pain nor have I ever seen the tango danced with so much passion and intensity. Then leaving the club in the morning with the harsh light of day seeing lines for cheap bread. "
